Director’s Welcome


ACB Ireland Tour

Welcome to the Algoma Community Band website. It is our distinct honor and pleasure to serve as the current co-directors of the Algoma Community Band.

For over forty-five years, the band has been a revered asset to the community, providing entertainment, support, and serving as an outlet for adult musicians of varying levels of ability.  The band presents several concerts and performs at many civic events in the surrounding communities each year, and also engages in national and international travel opportunities.

Approximately forty adults of all ages, walks of life, and skill levels, from average to semi-professional abilities, make up the membership.  Members come from Kewaunee and Door counties and from neighboring communities including the Two Rivers area.

Performances include a wide variety of music from jazz, blues, show tunes, light rock, Latin, pop, marches, folk culture to serious music of a lighter nature.  This provides performances that are appealing and enjoyable for both performers and audience.

Membership is open to adult musicians with a reasonable level of proficiency and a “verbal audition” with the  co.directors. Membership is also open to accomplished students with recommendation from the school band director.

We welcome any instrumentalists but are seeking additional percussionists with keyboard knowledge, acoustical or electric bass, oboe, bassoon, tenor sax, baritone sax, and alto and bass clarinets.  We also encourage non-playing volunteers to assist in recruitment, fundraising, ushering at concerts, equipment handling etc.

If you have interest in becoming a playing member or non-playing volunteer member, please contact either Jennifer at (920) 536-0981 or Dave at (920) 334-0615,

Dave Kopetsky, Director
Jennifer Massey, Assistant Director